Monday, October 11, 2010

Too much weight upon my shoulder...

The positive news is that my leg is, more or less, better. So it was off to Selby for some hooking, throwing and running on Saturday. The result was a 48-0 victory and an outstanding team performance, including an against the head push over and a stunning wrap around centres move involving me, one of the props and a 20 yard sprint to the try line.

The day, and my drive towards the 85kg mark were ruined in the last 2 minutes of the game. I took the ball into contact, was tackled by two of the larger Selby players and the three of us landed on the point of my right shoulder (assuming a shoulder has a point). I have no idea what I have done to it, but it hurts like hell. It's strange how much you rely on your shoulders, simple tasks such as wiping my ass and tying my shoe-laces are now much more labour intensive and painful than they should be. A right handed 5 knuckle shuffle is completely out the window - I'm all for the pleasure / pain thing, but it would be far too much of the latter and none of the former if I were to attempt it.

The positive is that I have not needed to either cough or sneeze as yet - I think a sneeze would actually make me cry a little!

So the diet is all that it is - my dreams of excessive training, excessive dieting and a 2.5kg weekly loss are out the window - over to Dr Rob and Doogie Tuesday for the competition as I will be out of action for a good few weeks / months with this one.

1 comment:

  1. Of course a shoulder has a point! It's for keeping your arm on! I'll take your word for the gravity of the injury (have you considered showing it to a medical professional?) but would just point out that I don't think many people could wipe their ass and tie their shoelaces without suffering some sort of discomfort. I would also strongly advise against a five knuckle shuffle out of the window, you could get arrested for that sort of thing, unless your area of Leeds is even rougher than we've been led to believe.

    For the diet - you'll just have to focus on calorie control, and hopefully you should be able to do some non-shouldery exercise soon - I guess high-impact would be out but you could maybe use a bike, or even a stepper?
